I had an out of town meeting that I had organised and needed to attend yesterday..

This wasn't your usual casual, wear jeans to work kind of meeting, it was a formal meeting so for the first time ever, I decided to wear heels for my trip. Naturally, I weighed the pros and the cons- The meeting was meant to finish by 3.40 at which point I planned to leisurely [or more like carefully] walk to the tube station, take the tube to Paddington and chat with some friends while I wait for my train...

In order to fully appreciate this story, I need to speak about my love affair with heels. The only time I allow myself to wear heels is when I'm being picked up at the gate of my house and being dropped back to the gate of my house[ I don't drive]. So I don't wear heels to work cause I commute, so deciding to wear heels to an out of work meeting was a big step for me.

Getting to the venue of the meeting was the easy part and then it happened-the meeting shot into overtime [sorry but its world cup season]. To cut a winding story short, my boss and I ended up running from Paddington'e tube entrance to platform ten [the most inaccessible platform in Paddington] and I was wearing heels. Safe to say, I limped home from the bus stop wearing my heels..


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I've been saved by grace, redeemed by HIS love!! Still amazed that God calls me His friend... I'm a growing Christian, I love God and want to serve Him to the best of my abilities!


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