I'm currently hunched over my laptop, with a cup of lemon and ginger tea and tissues nearby- annoying cold- pschew!

I got my first ever blog award from my sister from another mother, the amazing Che!

Apparently the rules of the award are:
  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post- Che, you rock- check out her blog here!
  • Share 7 things about yourself.
  • Pass this award to seven other discovered blogs and let them know about it.
Now to the 7 things about me, let's see:

  1. I'm shy! my friends may disagree but I do find the first few moments of meeting someone new a very stressful process, cause I'm racking my brain thinking of what to say.
  2. I tend to over think things. I have probably written about it before but sometimes my brain runs ahead of situations and paints nice pictures in the sky[ a note of warning- this might be the cough syrup typing]
  3. I love God.
  4. I love baking! it can be a blessing and a bane sometimes to have 12 lovely chocolate cupcakes staring at you saying 'eat me, eat me'...
  5. I hope to write fiction novels one day, some day! I already have the titles in my head- its just the actual novel that remains...
  6. I'm committed to my friends.
  7. Same as Che, I love to sleep! Its one of my hobbies!!! I still remember an incident that happened in secondary school, thieves came into one of the hostels and everyone in my hostel woke up and ran away except me- I didn't even hear the screaming or anything- was soundly sleeping!!
The following list are my go to blogs- the ones I read when I need to laugh or be encouraged or need fashion or hair advice:


Che said...

You are welcome always dear. I will like to tie #1 & #6 together. You are such an amazing friend, that is once you get past the shy stage and get to know the person. Can't wait for when you will publish your novels. I will proudly say, "Yeah, that's my sister". lol @ the "eat me, eat me". As for the sleep thingy, we know we have to work on it right.(saying it more to myself than you) *winks*

P.S: Sorry about the cold dear. Take care of you.

Gee said...

Awwwww... thanks babes

About Me

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I've been saved by grace, redeemed by HIS love!! Still amazed that God calls me His friend... I'm a growing Christian, I love God and want to serve Him to the best of my abilities!


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