The Message I received

I didn't notice her immediately I walked into church as my sister and I were seated two seats away from her but she caught my eye during the course of the service.

Whenever a song was raised or even a hymn was started, she was always the first person who stood up to dance.... And this woman would give it everything she got. Hands clutching her wrapper, she would sway from side to side in perfect rhythm with the music. Sometimes with one hand upraised to her King but always with both eyes closed, as if she didn't want anyone or anything to distract her from worshipping.

And there were plenty of distractions to be seen cause it was Christmas day and everyone was decked out in the latest finery and wanted to be seen. And in the midst of it all was this woman who I couldn't seem to tear my eyes away from. Even as the Word was being given, she would nod her head and jump up to wave her hands and say hallelujah whenever the minister said "Praise the Lord"

My eyes kept on straying to her throughout the duration of the service. At the end of church, she bent down, picked up her stick and began to find her way out of the church.

I turned to my sister in amazement- I was already impressed and inspired by this woman's heartfelt worship to her Maker but the fact that she could praise God so wholeheartedly with this disability moved me to tears. I thought about the times that I had let circumstances and feelings affect my worship to God.

I left church that day not really remembering what the sermon was about because it was in igbo and I don't understand it as well as I should *hides head in shame* and they ended the sermon with a fundraising but the message from this woman was the sermon I held onto that day.


Che said...

I love your new display picture. Hmmmmm, that woman's heartfelt worship to God even with the disability is a full message on its own. I learnt from her too cos even with little issues, I tend to complain more and rely on God less.

Gee said...

My dear, it really amazed me oh! I was so blessed by her outward expression of her relationship with God and also challenged by it oh!

Craig Stumpf said...

Well written - maybe my blog can encourage you too...

Saw your blog on Jon Acuff

Gee said...

Thanks craig

Craig Stumpf said...

Thanks for going to my blog and for the comment - keep reading and share it, if you think it could help someone else...


Rhapsody Phoenix said...

God works through us all. The Divine will always find a way to reach us and teach us.


Stay blessed.

OddNaijaChic said...

it's so touching. It makes you look at life again and be thankful for the little things you have.

Gee said...

@OddNaijachic yes it does make you appreciate and be thankful of all you have.

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I've been saved by grace, redeemed by HIS love!! Still amazed that God calls me His friend... I'm a growing Christian, I love God and want to serve Him to the best of my abilities!


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