Making mistakes

No one likes to make them-me especially- I made a couple of terrible mistakes when I was a lot younger and it did take a while to get over some of them!! So I have strived to be perfect and to not make mistakes but that's not possible and I'm realising that I can't be perfect because perfection alone is found in God. But I do forget sometimes and strive to be perfect- I'm human after all!!!

So imagine how I felt when I found out that I had made an error with some data I sent to a govt department- not once but twice!! To make matters more interesting, the e-mail stating that I had made an error 'cced' my boss, my boss's boss and said that they would get in touch with the head statistician if the problem wasn't resolved by Wednesday- this was on Friday... I panicked!!! I was in state of panic and I stayed in the office until 7.30pm trying to find out what the problem was.. Safe to say, I didn't figure it out- it didn't help that my boss was calling me every 30 minutes to find out if I had solved it. I really had to struggle to have some normalcy on Saturday and I did succeed but by Sunday I was a nervous wreck. I prayed about it- but I kept on trying to think of ways that I COULD FIX IT!! I didn't surrender the problem to God- I worried and thought of different ways I could fix it myself..

To cut a long story short, the data got fixed on Monday by 11.35am!! It didn't take three days to solve it- it took four hours!! God works things out in His own time- I just need to depend and trust more!


About Me

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I've been saved by grace, redeemed by HIS love!! Still amazed that God calls me His friend... I'm a growing Christian, I love God and want to serve Him to the best of my abilities!


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