Two short stories

I have been away for a while now- apologies for that but things have really been hectic at work and I haven’t found the time to write properly. I have written down a few lessons I learnt over the past few weeks- enjoy!!

I am NOT my work!
My work as a researcher involves analysing survey data and writing articles and short stories to present the results of the analysis. I have struggled with separating criticism about my work from myself! I tend to view the two to be the same- but they are not! I have been writing an article since September last year, think I’ve probably mentioned it here once and that article has had more than its fair share of criticism! I have found it increasingly difficult to not take every critic that the article has got as a personal attack on me! With each re-write I had to make to my article, I began to get a bit despondent and I remember after one particular meeting I just needed to take time away from my desk. So I walked round the office, stunned at all the criticisms that the article had got, and just vented out some of the frustrations that I was feeling.

I spoke to a friend about it that evening and she really helped me understand that I need to learn to take critic on my work as just that- critic on my work and NOT as an attack on me!! It’s still difficult, to be honest, cause I went through something similar yesterday but I am beginning to learn, with God’s help, to separate my identity from the work I do.

Don't get me wrong- I would strive to let God's excellence shine through the work I do but I wouldn't let my identity get entangled in my work.

Being Accountable
It’s easy to believe that you are doing right by God. But I have found out that my relationship with God encompasses so much more. Romans 12:1 says,

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. [The message]

My eating, sleeping, walking and going to work can be done as an offering to God. I’m learning that everything I do can be done as worship and this is changing the way that I view my day. I’m definitely not there yet but I’m work in progress!!

So I have decided to keep a food diary! This was borne out of a desire to become more accountable to what I eat, how I eat and how much I eat. I love cooking- trying out new recipes, baking. The detriment to this new hobby is the eating the baked and sometimes fried foods! Also, I find myself sometimes comfort eating sometimes or mid-night snacking and I don’t think these are good habits to continue long term. I also want to learn how to moderate my portions- its all well and good to bake brownies, but this does not mean that I need to have brownies as part of my breakfast and lunch and then have some with ice cream for dinner!!! So I have decided to become food-wise accountable by keeping a diary. I have already noticed some positive results as I find myself thinking about what I eat, making healthier choices in choosing meals and also trying out new recipes.

I’m also attending a financial course my church holds every Monday. It was interesting to find out that the way we handle money impacts on our relationship with God. I am learning to trust God with little and with much – Like I said earlier, I’m definitely not there yet but I’m work in progress!!


About Me

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I've been saved by grace, redeemed by HIS love!! Still amazed that God calls me His friend... I'm a growing Christian, I love God and want to serve Him to the best of my abilities!


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