Chasing Flies

I spent most of last night chasing flies...sounds weird, I know- let me explain...

I forgot to close my windows in the morning before I left for work- I usually leave my bedroom one open for cross-ventilation- but I left both the living room one and the bedroom one open. Yesterday was really windy and it rained a couple of times as well, so some very enormous flies *I shudder as I type* decided to take solace in my flat to escape the horrible weather.

Now, I didn't notice anything was amiss when I got back home from work. I dropped my back and began making my supper, as I was cutting some cucumber, one fly just breezed by my face, as if to say hello. I promptly dealt with it, but still didn't notice anything. And then I spotted another one, and then another one and then several more!! I shut both windows and then chased and swatted and chased and swatted some more until the coast was clear... I detest flies with a passion so when I thought the coast was clear; I started cleaning my place using every anti-bacterial cleaner I could find.

The annoying thing, and this is what I want to draw attention to, was that anytime I sat down or tried to get back into whatever I was doing at the time, I spotted another one (I even saw a couple this morning). The end result was that I was very frustrated by the time I dragged myself to bed...

Isn't sin like that though? We leave ourselves unguarded by either not praying as we should or not praying at all or spending very little time in God's Word. This leaves us open and vulnerable to little flies (habits, deliberate sins) and the like. We then struggle to get rid of these things using our own strengths and abilities and then wonder why we fail each time.. When we finally reach our lowest ebb- the point where we feel we can't take it anymore- we then remember to seek God's face again and He shows us those areas that we need to work on and lovingly helps us begin the work we have to do.

This is what I thought about after the War of the flies was won and just wanted to share.. I'll probably by some bug spray on my way back from work, just incase a remnant still remains!! As I was looking for a picture to use, I saw that someone had written about chasing flies and God using it to speak to him as well!!

God Bless xxx


Che said...

lol @ you chasing them and swatting. Nice pix in my head.:-). They just came to say hello to you na and you are chasing them away. Not very hospitable of you ma'am. lol. Yeah, the seeming little sins we don't deal with immediately in our lives end up almost or even overwhelming us. Thank God for His help and Grace at our disposal. Thanks for sharing dear.

Gee said...

My dear it wasn't funny oh- was like an outright war...

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I've been saved by grace, redeemed by HIS love!! Still amazed that God calls me His friend... I'm a growing Christian, I love God and want to serve Him to the best of my abilities!


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