Managing my expectations

I tend to get excited too easily...

Case in point: I tend to daydream and envision things way before they occur- in my head, I plot out different scenarios, imagine different conversations that I may have in the future and then even think about the different responses I would give!!

I also proceed to get very, very excited about events that haven't even occurred.. You could call me over-optimistic, if you like- it's a title I have to accept at this point in time... For example, if I'm applying for a job, I tend to fantasise about what this job would be like, I think about the interview, I imagine the phone call from my 'soon-to-be' manager offering me the job and my delight, I think about moving houses- sometimes I even search for flats/ houses where the job is to be located e.t.c.

The downside to this is that when things don't go as I have envisioned- in my head- even if they are fairly okay, I end up disappointed, because I didn't get to say my replies- the ones I made up in my head-and then everything usually goes downhill from there because my expectations were up so high and the event didn't even come close to meeting it in the slightest..

So my question folks, you who occasionally pass by, is it wrong to be over-optimistic?

How do I manage my expectations so that I don't end up getting very excited prematurely and end up disappointed??


Che said...

No my dear, I don't think it is wrong to be over-optimistic. You will just have to learn to tell yourself that even if things don't turn out exactly as you had envisioned it in your mind, it doesn't mean that it will not turn out right eventually. You just learn to relax, still visualize cos it's important and let things just work out for your good. That is exactly what I'm telling myself to do. It will all turn out right, maybe not exactly as you pictured it and not at the time you want it to. Ok, i berra shut up now cos I'm going round and round. lol

Gee said...

LOL!! Thanks dear!

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I've been saved by grace, redeemed by HIS love!! Still amazed that God calls me His friend... I'm a growing Christian, I love God and want to serve Him to the best of my abilities!


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